These cutouts let children learn various concepts in a fun visual way. Adult assistance is recommended for the cutting process.

Click on any thumbnail to see a large preview of a cutout set. To download or print a cutout set as a PDF file, click on the 'View PDF' button directly beneath the worksheet image. The PDF file will be opened in a new tab, and your browser should offer options for downloading and printing.
Make a Snowman (Page 1) Make a Snowman (Page 2)

Making Shapes
Make Shapes (Page 1) Make Shapes (Page 2)

Sort Flowers (Color, Size, Number)
Sort Flowers By Color, Size, or Number of Leaves (Page 1) Sort Flowers By Color, Size, or Number of Leaves (Page 2)

Sort Fall Leaves (Color, Size, Shape)
Sort Fall Leaves By Color, Size, or Shape (Page 1) Sort Fall Leaves By Color, Size, or Shape (Page 2)

Snowy Weather Clothes
Dress the Boy in Clothes for Snowy Weather (Page 1) Dress the Boy in Clothes for Snowy Weather (Page 2)

Count to 5
Match Pictures to Numbers
Food Groups
Match the Foods to the Food Groups
Prepositions (Valentines)
Place the Valentines According the Prepositional Phrases
Jack-o-Lantern Shape Match
Match the Shapes to the Jack-o-Lanterns